HANCOM Opens Integrated Cloud Storage Service

HANCOM begins open beta of integrated cloud storage service so called 'Thinkfree One Drive'.
The service of 'Thinkfree One Drive' enables users to integrate and manage various files of documents and images under diverse mobile and cloud environment. It can also bring, edit, and share data in linkage of many other cloud services such as DropBox, Google Drive, EverNote, and SkyDrive.
According to HANCOM, with the service users can not only improve productivity but effectively manage the data as it allows to read, share and edit the files under integrated environment.
Currently, 'Thinkfree One Drive' is in open beta service both in Web and mobile.
It can be used with no charge on its homepage. The users are able to changeover to premium account for free to use advanced functions during the open beta.
HANCOM notifies to organize "Thinkfree One Drive Collaboration Platform" as a solution for companies and organizations. It will be shown as B2B Public Private Cloud Solution as well.