EMC Unveils New ViPR Software-Defined Storage Platform

Enables Service Providers & IT Departments to Build Web Scale Data Storage Infrastructure without Hiring Thousands of PhDs; Open & Extensible Architecture Leverages Existing IT Investments and Lays Foundation for the Future; Seamlessly Integrates with VM


The EMC ViPR Software-Defined Storage Platform uniquely provides the ability to both manage storage infrastructure (Control Plane) and the data residing within that infrastructure (Data Plane).
The EMC ViPR Controller leverages existing storage infrastructures for traditional workloads, but provisions new ViPR Object Data Services (with access via Amazon S3 or HDFS APIs) for next-generation workloads. ViPR Object Data Services integrate with OpenStack via Swift and can be run against enterprise or commodity storage.
EMC ViPR integrates tightly with VMware’s Software Defined Data Center through industry standard APIs and interoperates with Microsoft and OpenStack.
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At EMC World 2013, EMC (NYSE:EMC) today introduced EMC® ViPR™, the world’s first Software-Defined Storage platform. As service provider and enterprise data centers grow to tens and hundreds of petabytes, the cost and complexity associated with managing them becomes untenable. By using EMC ViPR to manage storage infrastructure and the data residing within that infrastructure, organizations can both drive groundbreaking improvements in automation and lay down a modern storage architecture for future application deployments. Using EMC ViPR, service providers and IT departments can drive towards the operational model of web-scale data centers without hiring thousands of technical experts to build a custom environment.

Read more about this news at EMC’s product and technology blog, EMC Pulse:http://pulseblog.emc.com/2013/05/06/introducing-emc-vipr-software-defined-storage

EMC ViPR is unique in a number of ways by:

Managing both storage infrastructure (called the Control Plane) and the data stored within that infrastructure (called the Data Plane).
Decoupling the Control Plane from the Data Plane, allowing the use of both together — or enabling customers to use only the Control Plane to manage the underlying intelligence of the storage arrays through policy-based automation. This is a radical departure from prior attempts to virtualize storage.
Offering the ability to view objects as files and provides file access performance without the latency inherent to object storage.
Providing the capability to be implemented entirely in software and will run against EMC, non-EMC and commodity hardware.

The EMC ViPR Controller (the Control Plane, which manages the storage infrastructure) can deliver dramatic improvements in automation because it virtualizes the underlying storage infrastructure. Common storage management functions, like provisioning or migration, are abstracted so that different storage arrays can be managed as a single pooled resource in exactly the same way. Now for management of these highly complex functions, ViPR delivers a single point-and-click approach. (This is analogous to using a universal remote control in your living room to operate your TV, DVD, streaming device and DVR). Customers no longer need to engage in the complex and all-consuming task of interacting with multiple management interfaces that permeate heterogeneous storage arrays.

Once created, these pools of storage are carved up for consumption by applications. For this task, ViPR provides a self-service portal so application owners can browse the storage service catalog and provision service resources best suited for their needs. This provides IT departments with the frictionless experience the application teams are looking for — and have become accustomed to — in public cloud environments.

For most traditional storage infrastructures, EMC ViPR will purely provide the Control Plane. It discovers storage, creates virtual storage pools, provisions those pools to the application and then gets out of the way; it is not in the data path — that is left to the array itself. In the same way that operating systems are smart about detecting the presence of things like graphics co-processors (and offloading processing), the EMC ViPR Controller is smart about what it finds in the underlying storage infrastructure. If it can offload processing to the underlying array and leverage the intelligence there, it will.


For traditional workloads that utilize file and block, EMC ViPR steps out of the way and lets the underlying array fulfill the role of Data Plane, or the data stored within the storage infrastructure. This represents the majority of application workloads within the data center and EMC estimates those workloads will grow approximately 70% by 2016. But new application workloads are emerging — often operating on vast quantities of data (Big Data) and servicing tens of thousands or millions of users. EMC estimates these workloads will grow approximately 700% by 2016 — an order of magnitude more than traditional.1

ViPR is unique in part due to its ability to view objects as files, which provides file access performance without the latency inherent to object storage. In addition, ViPR HDFS Data Service enables customers to perform in-place analytics across the entire heterogeneous storage environment. As a result, the all-consuming task of managing heterogeneous storage environments melts away, leaving IT with the ability to focus on supporting business priorities and innovating.

Because of the nature of these new applications, they are being architected in new ways. The massive scale required is dictating a simpler approach to storage infrastructure –specifically Object Storage. Access methods are also changing from traditional protocols such as NFS and iSCSI to new protocols such as HDFS, made famous as the underlying foundation of the Hadoop database. To support these new application architectures EMC ViPR providers Object Data Services.

The ViPR Object Data Services will provide Amazon S3 and OpenStack Swift compatible REST APIs and HDFS access methods — existing software applications written to these APIs should run seamlessly. ViPR Object Data Services will support existing EMC Atmos, EMC VNX and EMC Isilon arrays as a persistence layer in addition to third party arrays and commodity hardware. This enables the customer to determine, based on the application workload, what the suitable performance, quality of service and cost characteristics should be. Over time, EMC expects to provide a broader set of data services as a part of the ViPR platform.


With ViPR, EMC is doing for storage what VMware has already done for servers — abstracting, pooling and automating the infrastructure. Pools of storage created with EMC ViPR will leverage VMware APIs to simply appear as an array within VMware vSphere. In addition, the ViPR Controller will integrate with the overarching VMware SDDC management and orchestration tool vCloud Automation Center as well as vCenter Operations Manager. In this way, storage can be managed by ViPR as an entity in its own right (and surfaced into the Microsoft and OpenStack virtual environments) or as an integral part of the VMware Software-Defined Data Center.


First and foremost, EMC ViPR is designed for cloud environments and specifically service providers, however it is also suitable for the many enterprise IT departments that are transforming themselves to offer IT-as-a-service and building out internal web-scale clouds. With this in mind, ViPR has a globally distributed architecture — enabling IT departments to avoid moving massive amounts of data across the network and perform functions like “in-place” analytics. The ViPR platform scales out as devices and data grows with no single point of failure and provides an entirely self-managing and self-provisioning environment.


Amitabh Srivastava, President, Advanced Software Division, EMC

“Building the web-scale data center is critical for service providers and large enterprises. The rise of the Software-Defined Data Center is a groundbreaking step toward delivering the management and performance capabilities needed to protect and leverage data. Only by separating the data center from its underlying hardware can IT truly deliver resources as customizable, on-demand services. As the only solution on the market today, ViPR is able to support IT services in a heterogeneous storage environment while retaining and extending the value of underlying arrays. This is a game-changer for storage.”


Raghu Raghuram, Executive Vice President, Cloud Infrastructure and Management, VMware

“Through the software-defined data center, VMware is extending the benefits of virtualization to all areas of IT infrastructure beyond compute to networking, security, management and storage. With EMC ViPR and VMware solutions, organizations are able to get more value, automation and simplicity out of their storage infrastructure through integrated systems and software innovation.”

Gary Budzinski, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Global Infrastructure Services, CSC

“EMC’s new ViPR offering is key to how the storage industry and enterprises will evolve to a software-defined data center. By moving to an Infrastructure-as-a-Service model and virtualizing storage, network and compute environments, CSC has the ability to bring new business value to our clients including faster time to market, reduced complexity and increased innovation" said Gary Budzinski, CSC executive vice president and general manager, Global Infrastructure Services. The industry, led by early adopters, will be able to benefit from unprecedented resource utilization through automation and management of resources across heterogeneous enterprise environments.”


Vernon Turner, Senior Vice President, Infrastructure Research Group, IDC

“With the unveiling of ViPR, EMC is sending a clear message that the combination of arrays with a powerful software layer is unbeatable in terms of speed and simplicity. Customers want to extract more value from their storage investments while scaling back on management, and ViPR meets these needs while embracing open architecture and catering to all arrays.”


EMC ViPR will be generally available in the second half of 2013.

한국EMC에서 보내온 행사 보도자료.

한국EMC, ‘EMC 월드 2013’ 개최
- 제13회 ‘EMC 월드 2013’ 美 라스베이가스에서 6일 ~ 9일까지 4일간 개최
- 새로운 데이터센터 전략으로 세계 최초의 ‘소프트웨어 정의 스토리지 플랫폼’ ‘EMC ViPR’ 발표
- EMC ViPR을 활용, 이기종 스토리지를 추상화하여 가상화된 스토리지 풀로 구성하고 자동화된 통합 관리 기능 제공

20133년 05월 07일 -- 한국EMC(대표 김경진, http://korea.emc.com)는 5월 6일(현지시각)부터 9일까지 총 4일간 미국 라스베가스에서 정보기술(IT) 컨퍼런스 ‘EMC 월드 2013’를 개최한다고 밝혔다.

EMC 월드 2013에서는 EMC 회장 겸 CEO 조 투치(Joe Tucci)를 비롯, 각 사업본부의 임원진이 모두 참석해 IT 업계의 주요 현안 및 향후 기술 흐름을 공유하고 이에 대한 EMC 전략에 대해 발표한다. 이번 컨퍼런스에는 ‘변화를 주도하라(Lead Your Transformation)’라는 주제 하에 전세계 1만 5천명의 고객과 파트너, IT 전문가들이 참가한다. 이번 행사에는 500개 이상의 기술 세션들과 31개의 기술 데모가 펼쳐진다.

지난 해 열린 ‘EMC 월드 2012’에서 클라우드와 빅데이터가 어떤 변화와 기회를 제공하는지에 대해 논의가 되었다면, 올해 EMC 월드 2013에서는 클라우드와 빅데이터를 데이터센터에 실제 구현하기 위한 구체적인 기술, 제품 및 향후 기술 로드맵 등이 발표된다.

이번 행사에서 EMC는 세계 최초의 ‘소프트웨어 정의 스토리지 플랫폼(Software Defined Storage Platform)’ ‘EMC ViPR’를 발표한다. 이는 EMC가 VMware를 통해 서버에서 추상화, 가상화 풀 구성, 운영과 관리 자동화를 구현한 것을 이기종 스토리지 통합 인프라에도 적용한다는 것을 의미한다.

EMC ViPR 플랫폼은 컨트롤러 계층을 통해 이기종 스토리지 인프라를 모두 가상화하고, 정책 기반으로 관리를 자동화한다. 스토리지 풀로 가상화하면 모든 이기종 스토리지의 공통된 관리 기능들, 예를 들어 할당, 복제 또는 마이그레이션 기능 등이 데이터센터를 포괄한 통합된 컨트롤 계층을 통해 정책 기반으로 통합 운영이 가능해지며, 추가로 스토리지 관리도 소프트웨어 정의 데이터센터(Software Defined Data Center)의 일부분으로 통합될 수 있다.

EMC ViPR 플랫폼은 애플리케이션이나 서비스 운영자가 스토리지 운영을 서비스 개념(As a Service)으로 접근할 수 있도록 셀프 서비스 포탈을 제공한다. 물리적 스토리지의 종류에 관계없이 스토리지 서비스 카탈로그 형태의 서비스 포탈에서 스토리지 자원을 할당하고 필요한 스토리지 기능을 선택하기 때문에 클라우드 서비스에 매우 적합하다.

또한 EMC ViPR 플랫폼은 클라우드와 빅데이터 애플리케이션 환경에 적합한 새로운 형태의 데이터 서비스도 제공한다. 기존 전통적인 애플리케이션과 달리 새로운 클라우드, 빅데이터 애플리케이션은 페타바이트(PB) 규모의 데이터 양과 수천만 이상의 사용자를 특징으로 하기 때문에 기존의 NFS, iSCSI 프로토콜로 데이터 서비스를 하지 않는다. ‘EMC ViPR 오브젝트 데이터 서비스(Object Data Service)’는 REST API와 HDFS API를 지원해 EMC 스토리지 제품은 물론 DAS 스토리지를 포함한 이기종 스토리지도 단일한 인터페이스 형태의 통합된 데이터 서비스를 제공할 수 있어, REST API와 HDFS API를 사용하는 클라우드, 빅데이터 애플리케이션도 EMC ViPR 플랫폼 기반으로 통합한 데이터센터 전략을 펼칠 수 있다. EMC ViPR 플랫폼을 기반으로 하는 다양한 데이터 서비스는 지속적으로 출시될 예정이다.

EMC ViPR은 VMware API를 활용해 스토리지 가상화 풀을 VMware vSphere에 제공하고, VMware의 소프트웨어 정의 데이터센터(SDDC, Software Defined Data Center) 관리 기능과 통합될 예정이다. 더불어 EMC ViPR은 자체 API를 통해 마이크로소프트나 오픈스택의 가상화 환경과도 통합될 수 있도록 구성해 고객의 선택의 폭을 넓혔다.

이와 더불어 한국EMC가 이번 행사에서 새롭게 출시하는 주요 신제품들은 아래와 같다.

- 이기종 스토리지 통합 관리 소프트웨어 패키지, ‘EMC SRM 2.0’
- 스토리지, 서버, 네트워크 통합 관리 모니터링 패키지, ‘EMC 서비스 어슈런스 스위트(EMC Service Assurance Suite)’
- HDFS 2.0 통합 및 중복제거, 규정 준수 신기능이 탑재된 ‘EMC 아이실론 OneFS 운영체계’
- EMC VMAX 원격 복제 소프트웨어 ‘EMC SRDF’와 시점 복제 소프트웨어 ‘EMC 리커버포인트(EMC RecoverPoint)’의 통합
- 백업 비용을 절감할 수 있는 백업 소프트웨어 통합 라이센스, ‘EMC 데이터 프로텍션 스위트(EMC Data Protection Suite)’

EMC 회장 겸 CEO 조 투치(Joe Tucci)는 “EMC가 작년 한 해는 전 세계 고객 및 파트너가 클라우드와 빅데이터의 흐름을 직접 확인할 수 있도록 지원하는 데 초점을 두었다면, 올해는 한 단계 더 나아가 이를 어떻게 가속화시킬 수 있을 지에 대한 방향을 제시할 계획”이라며, “특히 올해의 행사 주제인 ‘변화를 주도하라(Lead your transformation)’라는 메시지를 통해 EMC의 시장 선도 기술과 혁신 전략을 고객과 파트너에게 효과적으로 전달하여 이 행사가 고객이 비즈니스에 구조적 변화를 주도적으로 추진할 수 있는 시발점이 되기를 바라고 있다”고 강조했다.